Ep. 05 - Reliant Creative Marketing Series - The Power & History of Storytelling

Ep. 05 - Reliant Creative Marketing Series - The Power & History of Storytelling

The Ministry Growth Show

August 19, 2022

Episode Notes:

In this week’s episode of The Ministry Growth Show, we’re continuing a series where we are sharing our thoughts and insights on all things brand, marketing, and storytelling. Today, we’ll be highlighting the power of history of storytelling. Stories have power. They have the power to emotionally engage people, to sway decisions, the power to transform, encourage, and edify. We can use this powerful tool to help our ministries grow and become more effective. Story also has a rich history. We are living through a global shift in communication, and story is more relevant today than it’s ever been.

Relevant Resources: The Hero with a Thousand Faces - https://smile.amazon.com/Thousand-Faces-Collected-Joseph-Campbell/dp/1577315936/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2SJZVOAYFKE9Z&keywords=the+hero+with+a+thousand+faces&qid=1658351352&sprefix=the+hero+with+a+thousand+faces%2Caps%2C195&sr=8-1

The Hero and The Outlaw - https://smile.amazon.com/Hero-Outlaw-Building-Extraordinary-Archetypes/dp/0071364153/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3A9NLSNCZS21K&keywords=the+hero+and+the+outlaw&qid=1658351407&sprefix=the+hero+and+the+outlaw%2Caps%2C186&sr=8-1

Story Wars - https://smile.amazon.com/Winning-Story-Wars-Stories-Future-ebook/dp/B0088Q9UX6/ref=sr_1_1?

Storytelling Structures Course - https://reliantcreative.org/courses/storytelling-structures/

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