Stan Parks from 24:14 - A Coalition of Agencies, Churches & Movements

Stan Parks from 24:14 - A Coalition of Agencies, Churches & Movements

The Ministry Growth Show

April 5, 2021

Episode Notes:

This week on The Ministry Growth Show, we're joined by Stan Parks who is a part of the Global Facilitation Team for 24:14. In this episode, Stan shares about the 24:14 coalition and how leaders from agencies, churches, and movements all over the world are working together to finish the task of the Great Commission.

Episode Transcript:

You're listening to the ministry growth show brought to you by Reliant Creative, the creative agency for Gospel centered ministries. Find out more at Reliant Creative dot org. Welcome to the Ministry Growth Show, a podcast dedicated to helping churches and ministries grow and make more effective impacts for the Kingdom of God in an ever changing digital world, whether you're building and growing a gospel center ministry or leading a church, if you want insight into the strategies, struggles, challenges and successes of other ministry leaders, you come to the right place.

Welcome back to the Ministry Growth Show Today on the show, I'm going to be talking with stan parks. He's a part of the global facilitation team at 24 14 Stan Thanks for being on the show. Hey, thanks for having me.

Yeah, can you tell us a little bit about yourself and and maybe share some of your ministry background and experience? So my parents were missionaries in Indonesia and I was born there and I grew up around them and many other amazing people who were seeking to fulfill the great commission.

My wife and I uh have been missionaries in Indonesia and Singapore About 20 years. And then we were in Dubai for the last three years or so, mainly focused on trying to reach the unreached. Those who don't Have access to the Gospel, about two billion people in the world don't have what a friend of mine calls the jesus option.

They never heard the good news, they've never had a chance to respond to. So you've been, you've been a missionary for how many years? About 25 25 years and been on a couple of different countries. So within those, how long were you in each of those countries? So in uh Indonesia about 13 years, Singapore, about seven years, Dubai about three.

Okay. And currently we're we're in the States helping my mom with some health problems and then intend to go back overseas when that time is finished. So will you go back to Dubai or somewhere else? Well, when the time comes, we'll say Lord, you want to go back to Dubai or somewhere else.

And so do I will be our first thought, but he may tell us some other place. Yeah. So as you've been in these different locations, we're and we're going to talk about some of the strategies and models that you guys have been using and how we define how you define disciple making.

But um, have you in all of those different locations Over the 25 years that you've been doing ministry? Were you following the principles you're following now and the models you're following now? Or has that been a progression over the course of your ministry career? Definitely a progression.

I tell people one reason I like to train is I want to help people avoid some of the mistakes that my wife and I made our first years on the field. So when we first went to the field, there was a real focus on, uh, security and you know, because you're working in people groups that there's a lot of persecution and uh, you know, you want to protect the people you're working with.

Also realize, you know, as I mentioned, grew up in a missionary family and learned a lot of things. My, my parents tried some do things that were groundbreaking and I learned a lot from them. But when I went, I kind of combined my strategy was a combination of things I've seen growing up, things I've learned in seminary things I got from my denomination, um, things from books I'd read.

And it was, it was kind of a crazy mixture. And God really brought me to a point of saying, look, you need to put all that aside and go back to how did I do it? What was the strategy we see in the Gospels of the Book of Acts? And so I had begun to hear of movements and I began trying to learn, you know, kind of re examine my assumptions and then learn from what God was starting to do with reaching people in these unreached areas.

Gotcha. So, I want to talk about about 24 14 today, can you share what that is? Maybe give a A summary of 24 14 and how you guys got started? Yeah, yeah. So one of the amazing things we've seen is that Goddess began to start what we would call church planning movements, uh, all over the world.

And the church playing movement is kind of like Rolland Allen's book, it's the spontaneous expansion of the church. Um It's churches that are started, but there started in a way that they let scripture be there, guy, and the Holy Spirit guides them, and they reproduce themselves without all the extras that we've added on with human traditions.

Mhm. So these churches begin to reproduce and there following scripture. When people ask, what's their definition of church, a lot of them will say our definitions acts 236-47. They're not relying on paid professionals, they're not relying on buildings there.

They believe everybody in the church is called to do the ministry. You know, the work of the ministry. Their leaders are, like Ephesians forward to equip them to do the work of the ministry. And so they start churches that start churches that start churches that start churches.

And it really becomes an exponential growth of the church. So as we've seen, God began to do this a few years ago, uh we called together leaders of these church planning movements, leaders of churches that were, you know, the traditional church that was partnering to help start these movements, Mission agencies, leaders of mission agencies that are partnering to help start these movies and we say what's God's scientists.

And the result of that, we had two meetings because About 70 people, we couldn't find one time, everybody could show up. So we did it twice. And the result was Uh 24 14 Coalition. So 24 14 gets its name from Matthew 24 14.

This gospel of the kingdom will be preached throughout the world as a sacrificial testimony to all people's and then the end will come. And so we don't we don't pretend to know when jesus is coming back, but we do know that he won't come back until all the peoples of the world of her.

And so we're saying, we want to see the gospel disciples made of every people and we feel like these multiplying movements are the way the main way that we're going to big the population growth and the main way of God's reaching unreached people.

It's the 24 14 coalition that's saying let's reach all the unreached peoples and places. And let's see God do it through these Kingdom movements, his church planning movements. And let's do with urgency.

Let's try to get These groups engaged with a church playing movement effort. By 2025, we realized, um, may or may not start, but if no one is trying to start a movement, then a movement for sure will start.

Yeah. So so of these 70 or so leaders that that we're seeing movements come out of their ministries, you guys decided, Hey, let's bring you these all these individuals together and learn from each other, Like what's working, what's not working, what are we doing that has commonality that we can replicate and and repeat and try to apply to other ministries and other and other movements.

What was it that part of it? Or was there something else behind bringing together this coalition? Yeah, so starting back in probably 2008, we had actually seen some movements get started and began to bring people together to learn uh and say, hey, what's God doing? How can we learn from each other? So that already begin some of this conversation learning from each other, connecting with each other.

This was a meeting really to say what, what does God want us to do together? Mhm. So everyone had been pursuing movements in their own sphere, but it was really asking the question, God, are you asking us to cooperate to co labor to do something together that we could not do on our own? And there was a strong sense that he was said yes.

Yeah. There are so many places that nothing's happening that by co laboring together, you can greatly expand your impact. So there's very much a partnership element too. This approach. Absolutely. Mm hmm.

That was an existent prior to the 2010 type type times. Yes. So there's always been a partnership of lets you know who's doing what in the mission world. And especially in the unreached world, there have been different venues for that.

Other networks like ethnic a or uh global church planning network or other, you know, Comey bomb in latin America. So there have been some of that, but this was this was a recognition when it comes to these movements.

God's doing something really unprecedented. There've been movements that history, but they've never been this many movements in literally every continent. So what, what is God asking us to do together? So that, hey, I'm trying to reach the unreached people group uh, in in India Indonesia or, or Iraq or sure that I'm focused on.

But how am I reaching that unreached people group in India for instance. And what would it, how could I help reach unreached people groups? Really, everywhere, All of it, all of the Middle East, all of Southeast Asia.

So saying, let's not just say what what is our responsibility? You know, some of these groups have millions of people. So it'd be easy to say why, you know, I'm trying to reach 90 million Bush pre language speakers in India, 100 million bushel, three speakers.

Yeah, that's enough. No, what's it going to take to reach 750 million lost people in India, What's it gonna take to reach 2.2 billion lost and reach people throughout the world? I want to not just reach my 100 million people, I want to help reach the rest of the world when I say that I'm referring to a specific individual, but specific team that's part of a movement among the best part uh led by victor, john and and quite a few other leaders.

Mhm, awesome, Okay, that's helpful now, how do you guys define disciple, making, just give some context to our conversation today? I think one of the main confusions that's happened with with many people in the church, not not everybody but many, because we tend to think of discipleship uh primarily is what you do with people who are christians, we're, you know, we're gonna decide, we're having disciples of class, we have, we're disciple ng current christians uh when Jesus was given the great commission to his disciples, Matthew 28, he said go and make disciples of Ponta ethnic, every, a good translation of the ethno linguistic people group, not political nation state, so go make disciples of all of those.

Well, he's talking to a group of jewish men, all of those groups were lost, they were the, they were the at that time unreached. Using disciple the lost to faith, Mark, take someone who's already a believer and make them a better believer.

So we view disciple making as making disciples of lost people, making followers of jesus from people who are not followers of jesus and then continuing that because the great commission says, make disciples of every people and baptize them, so we're bringing them to commitment, you're making the disciple and then you're baptizing them, they're they're making that commitment to jesus, baptized in the name of the father, the son and the holy spirit and then teach them to obey all that I have commanded.

So disciple making continues in teaching these new disciples and old disciples how to obey everything jesus commanded. And a lot of our churches around the world, we've practiced what we would call knowledge based discipleship, right? It's what you know about the bible, that's important, the people who know the most about the bible are the ones who teach and as opposed to what we would call obedience face discipleship.

Uh Jesus says, if you love Miguel, obey me and so we make disciples of lost people and then we help them learn how to obey everything Jesus commanded, we don't have to teach them everything he commanded, we just teach them how to obey and then we let them go and you know we're still connected to but their growth is not under our direction, it's you know, they could, they're mature enough to continue on without us mm And the knowledge and maturation comes in the process of being obedient to go and make disciples themselves, right? You know sometimes we talk about disciple making movements.

Um I'd sometimes break that down into three parts first is are you, are you a disciple that that god wants you to be? We're never going to be perfect, right, but my growing and healthy disciple and I becoming more mature then, so disciple disciple making, do I know how to make disciples of other people? Do I know how to lead someone else to become a follower of jesus and their movements? Do I know how to multiply that? So am I a disciple who can make disciples and those disciples know how to make disciples so that it can become a multiplication factory.

Mhm. The other thing is in in these movements there's very much a group dynamic. Your your obedience is in the context of your group of your family, of your group of friends, of this natural uh huh group that often becomes the church or part of the church and so your accountability for obedience is to each other, it's not just to a leader or a partner hits to the whole group, it's to the whole church.

Can you walk us through and be a quick summary of the disciple making process that you guys follower that many of the um leaders follow the are part of this coalition. Yeah, God loves friday so he didn't always do it this way, but these are definitely patterns we're seeing happened the majority of the time.

So going back to the question, well, how did jesus do it? Uh Mark six luke nine, lieutenant, Matthew 10, he sends out his disciples, he gives them a basic pattern. Uh he basically says go heal the sick, uh huh cast out demons, other things in Matthew and tell them the king of God is near and then you're looking for what we would call a household of peace.

And he says if if a person of pieces there they'll welcome you and you know that's the household that you should stay in. And so we go, we look for these persons of peace that opened up their households of peace.

Uh, what that looks like is it looks like Zacarias where jesus comes to his household. And then at the end, Jesus says today, salvation has come just as I guess, but to the whole household, it looks like Cornelius, where Cornelius has a dream, he invites peter and then it says Cornelius and basically many others, his household, I came to faith.

Uh it's lydia saying, you know, Lydia and her household were baptized. And so we look for that person that will open up their family, their group of friends, their household. And then John six, Jesus says, nobody comes to me unless the father who sent me draws him and those who talks about, you know, the profits tell us this.

And it's actually come now where God himself will teach them those who listen and learn from. The father will come to me. So we try to put them in a position of listening to God, letting God teach them rather than I'm going to teach them.

So I'm their guide on their facilitator, but we look at scripture and then we ask questions that help them, basically help God teach them oh through the, through the scripture, through the stories that they're studying and so we find that person at peace, we we invite their household to learn from God together as they begin to learn from God.

Often there's kind of a creation to christ sequence, you know, God revealed himself progressively. Um, and so they follow that same process. They, you know, uh this doesn't always happen like this. Sometimes they come to faith quickly and then they back up and kind of go through the creation of christ sequence.

But basically, you know, God created the world, our sin destroyed, our relationship with God. God picked Abram to start the story over and the people of Israel were to be assigned to the rest of the world that they continually fell into sin and this cycle of sin and repentance and senate repentance, thank God said, okay, I've shown you, you can't do it, I'm going to send a redeemer and then they get to the story if they began to study the life of jesus and so we're helping them change their world view to understand who God really is, who we really are and if they're in a guilt innocence culture, you're looking at stories a little maybe a little bit differently, if there is a shame honor culture, looking at stories a little bit differently.

But so we're helping them change their world view to be a more public to to be a biblical worldview. And then when they get to the point of commitment, it's almost always a group commitment. I take that back depending on the context, some movements and individual commits and then leads their their family or our group to faith, uh other contexts, more communal cultures, they tended to make the commitment together.

Okay, But either one the goal is to reach the whole family, not to reach the individual. It just depends on the situation they're in. So that family comes to faith, our our group of friends are both. And then you begin showing them how to study the scripture in a way that helps them mature in their faith and again, God still the teacher, the holy spirit is guiding them.

I'm just facilitating the process. So, so for this just Global Coalition that is 24 14, um what is that partnership look like? And you can you share what that looks like in practice maybe at a high level of of all these movements of all these leaders partnering together to work together to finish this task.

Yeah, I'll give you a small example of it. Um Well, it's a small uh we were with a group that our movement leaders in India. They pulled up a map. Yeah. Mhm. Yeah. Uh Actually, I'm gonna ask you to edit that out.

I'll tell the story, but I won't name the country. Okay. All right. So uh yeah, I'll tell you a small example of that uh in an unreached country, a group of movement leaders were gathered and they put up maps of all the provinces in their country and 11 province with a lot of different people groups, different language groups, uh large population.

They Took the map and put and and looked at all the districts in that profits. So I think there are, you know, 30 or so districts they then said which districts? They were seeing multiplication from there.

The movement that they were part of. So on that map, about 25 or so of the, of the district had multiplication efforts happening in them. Five did not. So just on the spot, the different movements said, okay, that was close to some of the people in our movement.

Uh, well, we'll take that district, we'll get something started there. You know, there's so immediately, all five, some one of the different movement leaders said, well, spread into that district. So the fact that they shared their information, which can be dangerous.

But the fact that they're willing to do it is important show the gaps where there was no multiplication effort happening. And then the fact that they could very quickly say, well, you know, we'll take that one, okay, we'll take this in different groups, they will take that one and and see everyone owns covered, um, is just a perfect example of what we're trying to do around the world.

And why do you think that partnership like this is so important to see that great commission completely hinted at it a little bit earlier, but I'm gonna get some more definition around with them, why you guys feel that there's so much importance in partnership? Yeah, so again, when jesus gave the great commission, he said make disciples of every ethnic and Uh currently they're different places to find it, but there are approximately 17,000 ethno linguistic people groups.

So the goal of great commission is to disciple, not, not individuals, is to disciple entire people groups of, you know, make disciples of the ethnic A So of the 17,000, about 10,000 have significant Christian percentages in it.

Only God can define when the groups entirely disciple. We realize every biological generation, you've got new challenges, but We do know there are approximately 7000 injuries, people groups That combined at it about two, two billion people that have virtually no uh, church present if their churches their very few.

If they're christians, There is 0.1% or Our .01% or 4.001% or um and so how do you disciple 7000 plus people groups with two points two billion people, um, you have to do it together. No one group could ever do that.

And the reality is outside mission agencies. God used them tremendously. I'm part of what they're absolutely a key part of the equation. But the real hope are these movements inside those countries and cultures that are made up of insiders who, you know, I might be coming at a great cultural distance to, for instance, Indonesia.

But an Indonesian going to a nearby people group is much closer and is much more likely to be effective. So These movements combined globally, there about 80 million people in these church planning movements, that's in a tremendous force for the harvest.

And so how do we as the broader great Commission community help them realizing For the most part they're going to be the ones who can be the most effective are the closest they actually have the DNA of multiplication already built into.

They came to faith in a multiplication effort. So they're they're absolutely ones that we need to get behind and help them be more effective and doing it together is the only way to do that. Yeah. Do you find that that there's a lot of pushback on that model and that mission agencies or organizations and ministries want to focus on or tend to lean towards um focusing on their specific ministry rather than partnership or or do you, have you guys found that there is a strong tendency and bent towards investing in partnership? Yeah, there is actually quite a bit of pushback against church planting movements.

Um there are a lot of people that say, well, you know, that's that's happening too quickly. There's no way these disciples are mature enough, you're you're you're rushing things or they say, you know, really, those numbers are unbelievable, We just we don't think it's true, we think people are lying about this, there's no way this is happening, right? So there's quite a bit of pushback on that.

Mhm. And you know, we've we've had discussions and articles and talk to people and some people have changed their mind and a lot of people haven't changed that much. Uh huh. Mhm. And you know, Acts 1910 says in two years every year.

Greek in the province of Asia. Heard the word of the Lord and roman census from back then, but the number of of that province, which is Asia minor, roughly modern day Turkey, Put that number at anywhere between 10 and 20 million.

Right, so even if it's just 10 million, how did 10 million people Hear the Gospel in two years? Mhm. That's awfully fast. You know. And why does, why does paul say pray that our message might spread rapidly? Um So I think the idea that God can't do something like this is a little dangerous, and I think the idea that people all over the world or somehow cooperating in some great deception is also pretty dangerous.

Um and so we're just going to focus on those who, you know, we'll have conversations with people will try to uh huh. You know, do do evaluations and share those with people show our mistakes, show our weaknesses.

But at some point you're not going to convince some people so great. We'll just go with those who are ready to go. Uh Yeah. So the it's not a there is no attempt on your end to try to shift mindset and and change people's views on whether or not this is true or not.

You're running ahead focusing on what you're good at. And you can join us and be a part of this and you can and partner with us in this or not. We don't care either way. We're going to continue to do what God's called us to do.

Well, in a sense, we do, we do explain, we do try to talk to people. There have been people who have been very skeptical that have changed their minds. So we we do have conversations trying to invite people to be a part of this.

You know, we'll write articles and Mission Frontiers. There was just a symposium of movements, uh, and those who study movements to share what we're learning. So were we do carry to a certain extent, partly because we want more people to have the joy of being a part of these things.

Yeah, partly because their resources in the body that God wants them to share. Um, but at a certain level we're not, we're going to recommend if you don't agree, that's fine. We're not going to keep arguing about this.

Let's just we're going to do what we do and you know, you can watch it. One example would be the Bose premium which I mentioned. This is a group of currently now it's about 100 million people that speak to bust free language in India.

And there's actually a book on it called The Post Pretty Breakthrough that describes really the amazing workouts doing there. So they've actually had four outside evaluation teams come in to evaluate what they're doing.

The main goal is to learn their weaknesses, to learn where their gaps are to improve things, a secondary goal with the to demonstrate to other people what God is doing. Uh one of one of these surveys was about a year.

It had six different mission agencies that were not part of the movement who sent people to do the study. These studies have been shared and there's still people who say, well, I don't think it's happening think she's like, well, you know, with that for outside evaluations.

Let me ask you the last time, your, your local church actually had an outside evaluation and somehow we think we can be a judge over what God is doing in some other part of the world that we've not been around or maybe even live in that part of the world, but we're not experiencing it.

And the idea that I am an arbiter of what is legitimate and what's not is a dangerous idea. So we tell people, hey, the church I'm a part of, I need to look to my own church because most of these movements are a lot healthier than the church that I've grown up in.

And uh, let's let's apply some of those same criteria ourselves before we decide we can apply to them. Yeah. How do you think the church can start being more obedient to this call to make disciples? Well, the exciting thing is there, there are a growing number of uh, traditional churches that have began to hear about these movements and, and a good number of them have said, hey, we want to be a part of this.

Uh, one example would be uh, in East Africa, uh, you know, all up into the Horn, in East Africa, There Over 200 different churches denominations, mission agencies that have partnered to help start movements throughout, you know, these many countries.

Um, so we are seeing people get more excited about it being a part of these movements and recognizing, hey, there are things we can do to help, the things we can do to help. So let's focus on what we can and cannot do the things that are, that are not helpful.

We're also seeing a growing number of churches uh and again in traditional context, europe us. Uh South America, some more long longer Legacy churches in africa and Asia, they're beginning to apply these uh disciple making movement, church playing principles to their own ministries, um sending people out to do these things locally.

Uh Some churches are actually training all of their people to do these things. There's a book called mega church, Multiplication of a mega church in the US that actually went through about a three or four year process.

And at the end of I felt like God led them to relaunch to quit having the built the services and the buildings and reliance as a network of disciple making churches and uh 78, 80 something churches in 12 states of people saying, you know, why why is this happening in other places? It's not happening here? Let's let's try to do the same thing here, That's really cool.

Mhm. Yeah, that kind of segues into my next question, can you and you've touched on a couple of these stories, but can you share a story or two of some incredible movements that you've seen take place maybe in the last few years, and you have to be super specific if we want to protect um movements or people that might be in context that are hostile to Gospel, But um some of the things that you've seen really recently, maybe.

Yeah. You know, to me, one of the exciting things is just that the everyday person in these movements and one of my favorite stories is a woman who is part of the movement. She was asked to speak at their leadership gathering, and she got up and she said, you know, I don't I don't actually know why anybody asked me to talk about leadership.

She said, I I don't know that much about it. She said I've uh I can't read and I can't write, and my niece reads the bible to our family every morning, we just do our best to remember it and uh meditate on it, you know, I'll be it during the day and you know, we just go out, we we heal the sick and cast out demons and tell people about jesus.

And um you know, we've only seen a couple of people raised back to life, and, You know, I've only been a follower of Jesus for five years and we've always started 50 churches. um you know, we're just doing what everybody else does.

So I don't know why they've asked me to talk. And the reality is that that is what happens on these movements. Oh, almost everybody, obviously not every single almost everybody thinks, yeah, I can make disciples, I can start churches, I'm going to go do it.

Um you know, I was in one meeting, they this guy actually was in prison for murdering people and he had gotten out and now he's came to faith in prison and Now he's being mentored by other leaders and he has a group of about 30 L, he said, you know, just stand up and tell what you're doing.

This guys stood up and you know, I have planted three churches and this is what I'm doing. You know, another uh A couple stands up, you know, we've planted 10 churches, this Brother and sister stand up and he's probably 20, he's You know, maybe 25 and I had a demon cast out and we tell people our story and we've planted 12 churches.

So it's just this every, you know, obviously some are more fruitful than others, but this idea that we're all called to do that, we can all do that. uh, 1 1 country. I won't name the country. But yeah, there's been a effort to reach the unreached peoples of this particular country.

And um, you know, the last 30, 40 years, uh, movements have started, which have started other movements. That's one of the main things we're learning is the best way to see the movement start is for another movement to start in a nearby people group or language or, or geographically.

So the recent report I got, they were actually walking through the country and they said, okay, all the people groups, unreached people groups in this country that are a million or larger. We there's there's a multiplying movement in every single one except 1.

And they named that one Now, all the people groups that are between 100,000 and a million there, their movements in Over, I think the numbers 50 something and they're 17 that, that we don't yet have. and then they're actually tracking below 100,000 to and yeah, I forgot the numbers, but that's that's astonishing.

Yeah, it's groups that for centuries have never heard the gospel and now they're not just hearing the gospel, They're reproducing the gospel. They're multiplying disciples are multiplying churches. Um one of the guys in this actual, what we call a family of movements, this guy got arrested, put in jail.

The police said, you know, someone's got to take responsibility for you, you know, you'll never get out of here on parole. Do you have anybody that can kind of quote vouch for you? This guy heard the name of a church planner.

He didn't even know him. He said, you know, this guy, church player gets called out like, do I know? You know, But you know someone so told me your name. Sorry, He goes down there, he starts meeting with this guy and others in the, in the prison.

This guy comes to faith. Well, this guy is actually, he got the reason I got arrested, putting jealous, he was a drug dealer. And so because of faith, he goes back just home area and says to his drug dealing friends, hey, I'm different now.

But uh, you know, let me tell you what God's done in my life. And um, can I, can I just ride along with you as you go on your trips taking drugs to other places like Asher? So basically the drug dealers are providing in free transportation to a lot of different unreached people groups.

He's sharing the gospel with the drug dealers as they go. And he gets to go to these different parts of the, the country on a pretty regular basis. So I thank God has a very creative, it's just of how to fund some of these things and some of these guys are coming to faith and you know, so eventually, hopefully the drug treat will be completely a defunct, but there will be a whole lot of churches left in the wake.

That's incredible. So, if, if I wanted to start making disciples today or if if maybe a ministry leader listening to this episode wants to start using these principles that we've talked about, you shared through this conversation within their ministry or their church.

What are some next steps that we could follow? Yeah, So if you're in the United States, there's actually a couple of groups that do training that they could uh right now, they're doing it online for the most part, partly because of Covid partly to reach more people.

Um, so one would be this church, I mentioned a mega church multiplication. Um their website is weak. Take the mm, so w I G T A K E D M N and it's kind of a short form of saying, what's it going to take to see a disciple making movements.

So on that website, you can actually read the story of how they began to realize, wait a minute, we're not recent, we're not reaching our, you know, we're not recent people in our area at the rate, we need to, we're not making disciples strongly as we need to.

Um and they began this journey that's led them to being a part of the cycle making movements. They do offer trainings on a regular basis. In fact one of them is coming up March 23, but there are others spread out.

And then another group called New Generations um is offering training in the U. S. Also. Um and New Generations also does training with some people in other countries. Um So those would be a couple of options of ways you could get involved.

And the training is basically let's look at scripture, let's look at the principles involved in scripture and then let's try to implement it in our everyday life in a way that we can begin to learn, have to be disciples that make disciples.

That's cool. Well thank you. Um stan if people want to get a hold of you or learn more about what you're doing, how can they do? So Yeah, so 24 14 has a website called 24/14 And you can write me as stan S T A N at 24 14 now dot net and I'll be happy to connect you to people are, you know, connect you to resources, things like that.

24 14 now website actually has uh ongoing collection of blog entries about church planning movements. We've actually put a book together. We have 37 authors in 10 countries called 24 14 a testimony and all peoples.

That's a very good overview of what are these movements? What do they look like? Some case studies, things like that. We're actually working on an audio book version of it. And uh it's been translated into several languages.

We're working on getting into about 12 plus languages. Most blogs being translated into 12% languages. Also because it's a global effort, it's hot uh centric effort. And so that's one of the key things.

So The book will give you a great overview, 24 14 book the box are giving overview these trainings would would allow you to begin not just doing it, but doing it in a way you could train other people in your church in your circle to be a part of making disciples also awesome.

Well, stan this has been really incredible, thank you so much for sharing your story and for sharing what 24 14 is doing. Can I pray for you and the ministry? Absolutely, Father. I just lift up, stand and the team at 24-13 and this global coalition of leaders and and movements and ministry partners and agencies and churches coming together to work together and to be the body of christ to complete this work that you've called us to Father.

Thank you so much for um all the parties involved willingness to be a part of what you're doing and to share their insights and their experiences and their challenges and struggles with others so that we can all learn from one another and these movements can be more effective moving forward.

Fathers thank you so much for stan and his team and Um, what 24 14 is doing to be obedient to your call for, for kingdom movements and kingdom work and getting to be a part of what you have invited us into Father.

Thank you so much um, for your son for loving us for walking with us as we be obedient to their cost or uh yeah, just lift up stan and his team and 24 14 that it will continue to be effective for your glory and for the edification of the church and for the completion of your call.

We love you in jesus name. Amen mm mhm stan thanks so much for being on the show. I really appreciate it. Hey, thank you, Zach, appreciate being invited and appreciate what you do. Thank you. All right, have a good day.

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