Ep. 07 - Reliant Creative Marketing Series - Biblical Stories & The Hero’s Journey

Ep. 07 - Reliant Creative Marketing Series - Biblical Stories & The Hero’s Journey

The Ministry Growth Show

August 26, 2022

Episode Notes:

In this week’s episode of The Ministry Growth Show, we’re continuing a series where we are sharing our thoughts and insights on all things brand, marketing, and storytelling. Today, we’ll be showing how The Hero’s Journey story structure pops up in many of the most recognizable stories throughout scripture. This is a story structure that we believe is engrained in us by our creator. A story structure that He used to tell the stories of scripture to us in a way He knew would relate to us. It’s a powerful structure, one that engages people emotionally, one that relates to all people across all cultures. We have a template for our stories, let’s start using it to our advantage.

Relevant Resources:

The Hero with a Thousand Faces - https://smile.amazon.com/Thousand-Faces-Collected-Joseph-Campbell/dp/1577315936/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2SJZVOAYFKE9Z&keywords=the+hero+with+a+thousand+faces&qid=1658351352&sprefix=the+hero+with+a+thousand+faces%2Caps%2C195&sr=8-1

The Hero and The Outlaw - https://smile.amazon.com/Hero-Outlaw-Building-Extraordinary-Archetypes/dp/0071364153/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3A9NLSNCZS21K&keywords=the+hero+and+the+outlaw&qid=1658351407&sprefix=the+hero+and+the+outlaw%2Caps%2C186&sr=8-1

Story Wars - https://smile.amazon.com/Winning-Story-Wars-Stories-Future-ebook/dp/B0088Q9UX6/ref=sr_1_1?crid=21WZC65TGGV0M&keywords=story+wars&qid=1658351439&sprefix=story+wars%2Caps%2C178&sr=8-1

Story-Driven Content Strategy Course - https://reliantcreative.org/courses/story-driven-content-strategy/

Your Testimony and the Hero’s Journey Course - https://reliantcreative.org/courses/your-testimony-the-heros-journey/

Storytelling Structures Course - https://reliantcreative.org/courses/storytelling-structures/

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